Discontinued Products

Not recommended for new designs

Products listed on this page have been discontinued. These pages are only kept for reference. Products are available while stocks last.

Test Automation

The USB-SD-Mux is designed to make life easier for embedded software engineers by automating the transfer of an SD card between a host-pc (deploying a new software image to the SD card) and an embedded board.

The USB-SD-Mux is designed to fit into the micro SD slot of an embedded device while simultaneously being connected to a host PC via a micro USB cable. Our Python based control software then allows access to the micro SD card plugged into the Mux either to the host or to the embedded device.

The USB-SD_Mux Classic has been replaced by the improved USB-SD-Mux FAST.

Industrial Communication

The candleLight is a low price Open Hardware (CERN OHL) USB to CAN adapter. Like a network card, the candleLight allows to equip a computer with a CAN bus and to communicate via the CAN protocol.

The candleLight not only fits in any pocket and enables any developer to set up a CAN remote station even when on the road, it is above all an important building block for a reliable test infrastructure: The LXA-IOBus universe is based on the CAN bus infrastructure in order to have a stable communication channel to and between the "devices under test".

The Candlelight has been replaced by the improved CandlelightFD.