Intended Users

The LXA TAC is a highly specialized tool for embedded development. Therefore, only technicians who are well-experienced in the use of electronic devices, should use this tool. Users shall fulfil the following criteria:

  • The LXA TAC software environment is intended to be used by well-experienced Linux users since the device itself runs Embedded Linux.

  • The LXA TAC is intended to be electrically connected to connectors of a device under test (DUT) that are usually not exposed to end-users. It is the user’s responsibility to identify possible risks associated with using these connectors and to prevent damage to the DUT.

  • The LXA TAC contains a power switch able to switch voltages of up to 50V at 5A. Users intending to use this feature of the LXA TAC must have a familiarity with handling such voltages and currents.